February 13, 2006

Proofread, Proofread, Proofread

I can't stress enough how important it is to proofread your resume. Have a couple friends proofread it too. Just spellchecking isn't enough. And don't forget to check for semantic errors.
"I am able to wok well with computers." - Do you bring your own soy sauce?
"My father is a computer programmer, so I have 15 years of computer experience." - Is your dad available for an interview?
"I'm attacking my resume for you to review." - Don't be so hard on yourself.
"Planned and held up numerous meetings." - Take the minutes, stick to the agenda and no one gets hurt.
Find more mistakes like these at Resumania, a website that collects humorous examples Resume Gaffs. Don't let this happen to you.

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