August 10, 2005

Indeed: a New Kind of Job Search

I've added a new website to the sidebar today.
Indeed is a search engine for jobs - with a radically different approach to job search. In one simple search, Indeed gives job seekers free access to millions of employment opportunities from hundreds of websites. includes all the job listings from major job boards, newspapers, associations and company career pages - and we continue to add new sites every day.
If you're in the job market, you owe it to yourself to check out the A VC Blog's post about his recent funding of It helps to be as educated about the job market, and the job listing market, as possible in your job search.

Even if you don't plan on using Indeed in your job hunt, you need to see their Trend watching page. This provides a very real look at where the jobs are right now. Definately a data point you need to know if you're planning to move, graduating from college, or contrarian-like you want to get away from the hustle and bustle.

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